Thursday, May 14, 2009


Since I still only have a handful of readers on this blog, this might be a good time to divulge some secrets that have been weighing heavily on me. Like most of my blogs, I’m not sending this to my list or posting it anywhere else. Those who need to see it will just have to find it.

The first secret is that many of those destructive predictions that were made decades ago are still in the works. I’ve asked Billy in channeling repeatedly about this, and the answer is always the same. In particular, there will be a series of coastal events coming, along the lines that Gordon-Michael Scallion and Lori Toye and others predicted so long ago.

There was also a lot of talk (and disinformation) for a few years (about a decade ago) about Planet X flying by and shaking things up. Billy has also confirmed that this is still in the works. Actually, I go on record in my last book, Looking, Seeing, and Knowing, as predicting it should probably be making its flyby around February 2014 after something else major (maybe a pole shift) happens about six months earlier.

Another secret is that I have a daughter who has a direct connection with someone who’s not of this world. He’s not a guide, so his answers aren’t always cushioned or careful. Anyway, we were driving yesterday, and I started discussing the future with her when she went silent. After a few minutes she said that the coastal inundations will probably happen in a few years.

Schedules can change. Magnitudes of destruction can change, and everything can change for an individual, depending on how well you’re tuned into your guidance and how well you come into harmony with life and the Earth. However, Billy has confirmed over and over that all these major earth changes are still in our near future, and part of the 2012 transformation (which happens on the inner planes before manifesting in our world. Hence, many of the events will take place after 2012).

There are those who warn that the end is near. Actually, Paul started that over 2000 years ago, so that message has lost some of its impact – luckily. However, Billy never brings up the impending danger unless I ask, and I know of a popular spirit guide who has outright denied that these things are in our future. He must see and know just like Billy, but his audience, like most of the population, is largely trapped by fear. Also, knowledge of paradigm shifting destruction is almost impossible to deal with constructively.

Although I get visions of the new world after the destruction more clearly every day, the transition views are always hazy. I know what’s coming, and still I plan my future and live every day as if things will keep going as they have forever. My kids and I also talk about their lives as if all of today’s institutions will be unchanged when they’re ready for college and the workplace.

This feels really strange, but it’s all we can do. It’s what we’re supposed to do! Our expectations are building the new world even as the old one crumbles around us.

Besides getting all this off my chest, I am writing for another purpose. I wrote about Intention and Expectation in my blog yesterday. I wrote about living consciously and harmoniously…. A lot of people are doing the same. I only bring this up because although we need to keep living our lives as if nothing unusual is going to happen in the next few years, the fact is that things are in the process of changing drastically. If ever there was a time to shift your awareness to the spiritual side of life, this would be it!

Hunt Henion

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