Sunday, June 7, 2009

Protection from Solar Max (more than just sunscreen needed)

Bottom line first: Weird weather and increasingly forceful winds are resulting from the increase in solar activity lately. Protection of our homes will probably become an issue at some point. However, the all-encompassing point here is that we need to learn to harmonize with Mother Earth, so we can create a peaceful place for ourselves and loved ones.

Rasha told us in channeling years ago that we needed to put crystals in all the corners of our home, and around it outside. We then envisioned circles of protection radiating from the crystals. We'll cleanse the ones in the house with water occasionally, and cleanse and empower them all regularly with our visualizations.

That’s step one. Visualizing the home as a part of the body of Mother Earth and regularly filling both with all the love we can is step two. Making sure we’re balanced and connected to the Earth and our source is step three, and I’m going to close with an excerpt from “Looking, Seeing & Knowing,” that summarizes how to do that. However first, a quick word about the cause of the big winds, which are going to only become more noticeable and troublesome as time goes on -- for the next ten years or so.

Worse than Wind

Rasha said that the solar activity that causes the big winds and all the increasingly weird weather around the world is the real danger. He says it’ll start knocking out communications fairly soon, and it’ll eventually fry electronic media. He said that it’s already starting to cause electronic interference with TVs, radios and wireless phones. According to Rasha, cell phones and wireless phones will start shocking people a little on occasion too.

The BIG Picture is that the charged solar winds hit the Earth’s magnetic field and cause all sort of problems including the big winds, weird weather and electronic interference, which could play havoc with most of our modern systems. The interesting thing here is that the Earth is not the only body that has magnetic fields.

Each of us has a similar field around our bodies. When the earth’s magnetic field drops, our fields tend to drop. With the loss of some of our magnetism, we also lose some of our mental acuity. The magnetic field around our body and our mental faculties have also been proven to become lower during times of extreme stress. Anger, fear etc., lowers our magnetic field of protection.

On the other hand, it’s also been demonstrated that feelings of faith and happiness empowers our magnetic field. Positive feelings actually strength us, makes us smarter and more capable of dealing with whatever we have to deal with, AND it feeds the magnetic field of the Earth. The earth is connected to us just as we're connected to her.

We’ve all heard that Mother Earth needs our love. That doesn’t just mean “give a hoot and don’t pollute.” The happier and better balanced (emotionally and magnetically) we are, the more we help Mother Earth stay balanced. Or, from a more personal point of view: the happier and better balanced the people on Earth are, the less the solar storms are going to affect the Earth and everyone on it.

Lessons in Harmony (taken from Looking Seeing & Knowing)

“…here is a five step program to help you shift your awareness so you can be better aware of the shift and stay in harmony with it:

1. Spend as much time as possible outside. Try to relate to all you see in nature and all you know that’s below the surface. Declare yourself part of It. When we’re inside, our own creations take over our consciousness. These inside involvements and creations may comprise our individual path in life. However, they need to be put in their place if we hope to secure our niche in Nature as she lightens her load in preparation for ascension.

2. Avoid opinions and judgments. We all want things to be as easy and comfortable as possible, and we all think we know how that should happen. However, Mother Earth is running this show, and she has her own agenda. Trust the unseen order and know that Mother knows best. Work on detachment from preferences especially from self-indulgent activities. Rest is a priority that Nature understands, but when we’re expected to give up our plans, we need to give them up freely, trusting the Earth and the Universe to provide all that’s really necessary.

Also, try to see life from the viewpoint of the family, friends and foes around you. Those who are cemented into one viewpoint won’t be prepared to offer the love and understanding to others which a unity consciousness demands. Nor will they be prepared to let go of their known world and accept the coming massive changes.

3. Simplify. Spend time and attention on those with whom you feel the strongest bonds. Simplify your thoughts about these people –forget their faults and focus on the love. Simplify your activities, spending all the time you can with those you love and doing things which bring you closer to the Earth. Eat simpler. Be simpler.

4. Gratitude. If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “Thank you,” that would suffice. Meister Eckart

Gratitude can make you happy and flexible and, incidentally, help you catch the ascension bus when it comes along. Work on cultivating a feeling of constant gratitude for the infinite blessings of Nature, no matter what is happening in your outer life. Express this gratitude whenever possible, and hold all complaints until your silence extinguishes them.

5. Expect to be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Just as we prepare to give up our personal comforts and preferences, we need to give up all we think we know about our limitations. The whole world is changing, and we ARE changing with it.

Now go back to Number One and review the program. Promise yourself and Mother Nature to spend at least a little time each day outside where you’ll surrender your priorities to her higher purpose. While you’re out there, reexamine your commitments with a focus on your bond to your loved ones and Mother Earth. Let your attention to those things in life that belittle you fall away as you gather yourself around the simple things, which really matter.

Feel gratitude and express thanks in every way you can for your ability to stand in Nature and to stand in your truth. Know that this is who you are as an individual and as part of the ascending Earth. Let love and gratitude fill your thoughts and feelings.

Rasha’s quick answer for a busy world where dropping magnetism may make remembering even five steps too difficult, was to “Live in the heart chakra,” (the heart of the heart) and always “come from a place of love.”
What we feel is what we are. Feel love and get to where you feel and know nature. Feel simple, and simply feel gratitude for the beauty of nature and developing new order.

Blessings and hugs,


Offering Insight through unique perspectives

author of
"The BIG Fake-out, the illusion of limits"
"The Don Q Point of View," and
"Looking, Seeing, & Knowing."

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