Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life Choices & Changes

Danna sat down to start to go into a trance so she could channel, and instantly a powerful, chuckling voice boomed, “Hello Hunt!”

I said, “Okay. Last time you seemed a little more enthusiastic and energetic than usual, and this time you definitely are. What’s going on?”

A while back, we introduced Rasha as a holy man who lived thousands of years ago in the lower Himalayas. It seems that although he was a previous incarnation of Billy, Danna’s brother, Billy had actually split off to go another direction. A couple months ago, I had a vision of Billy saying goodbye to Danna, saying that she doesn’t need him anymore and he had other places to go. I asked about that in channeling, and Billy confirmed that what I had seen had actually occurred, but then I didn’t get any more info on it. Anyway, that’s all background to help you understand Rasha’s response: “Billy has moved on and is preparing to get reborn.”

Rasha reassured me that he wasn’t ever going to be reborn into a place where we couldn't continue to contact him. Then, we went into the other issues like Danna’s changing life contract.

About a month ago, she was diagnosed with a large malignant, inoperable brain tumor. The surgeon who did the biopsy originally gave her three months to two years. However, instantly some strange things started happening.

My daughter made a call about Danna to my son in NC, while she was in Missoula. The strange thing is tho that the phone she made that call from was with Danna and me -- 4+ hours away from where my daughter was at the time of the call.

Noel doesn’t remember making that call. Still, my son’s answering machine recorded it and he could hear me talking in the background. The whole thing was very siginificant but totally impossible to explain in normal 3D reality terms! Still, we have proof of this strangeness since the answering machine recorded it and showed where it came from.

However, that was just one of the strange occurances around Danna's new health issue. When Rasha was trying to convince me to meditate more, he used Danna’s first doctor as an example. He said, “Dr James prays everyday before going to work. That’s why he knew what to check out when Danna came in.”

When I told Danna this, she told me that Dr James had told her he had tried to call her before she came in. He tried to call our house and her daughter’s house, and didn’t get an answer either place. However, that's also really strange because both of us were home at the time. Also, her daughter has an answering machine, and we had voice mail at the time that was always on when we didn't pick up the phone.

Danna did go in the next day though, so the doctor ran the CAT scan and immediately begin treatment. However, it seems that he didn’t get through when he called because she needed to go through the experience just the way it happened in order (as Rasha put it), “to prepare her for her new life and for the new world. Danna has a new contract with life now.” Right after Rasha said that, he smiled and told me about all the guides and loved ones who were cheering and agreeing with him.

Rasha brought up the “New World,” calling it a “new dimension” at least once, reinforcing my hope for a permanent way out of some really irritating 3D issues. However, he also spoke directly about our challenges enough to make the point that we’re not going to be able to just sit down and wait for the new world to save us from life.

It is coming! Still, we need to make that new world come! We need to push on, even when it’s no fun any more -- in order to help the birth of faith and love in this world. Then, we’ll all enjoy a peace beyond our wildest hopes and other renewing rewards we all need so badly.

I guess that’s enough on that, but a BIG Thank you to all those who’ve sent prayers of support! Danna’s decision to stick around has been a direct result of her new realization of the love you’ve helped show her.

The Gift of New Sight

That’s actually the title of a Chapter in my book “Looking, Seeing & Knowing,” but today I’m using it to refer to hard evidence on exactly how our bodies are adapting to accommodate this new sight – which is making our shift to the new world possible.

I recently came across an article describing how crystals are forming on our pineal glands. Science calls this Biomineralization, and they think it’s a problem. Here are a few links to articles on that:
The bottom line on this development tho is that it’s not the problem science thinks it to be. “The crystals found on our pineal glands lately were first planted in our ethereal bodies as seed possibilities when our Mother Earth first asked to be let out of her 3D existence during the 1950s.”

The more the crystals grow, the more multidimensional our experience of life becomes. Telecommunication becomes easier and more reliable for instance. Also, the more we choose to use these new abilities, the more that builds up the crystal that allows us to see more clearly and know more for certain than we ever have before -- just in time for our new beginning after 2012!

Hunt Henion
author of Looking, Seeing & Knowing

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