Friday, April 17, 2009

an announcement and a thought about $$

First of all the announcement: I’ll be interviewed on CBS Psychic Radio on InnerViews with Kimmie and Steve, Thursday morning at 10 AM EST. I believe you can listen live or later by going to their site:

According to Kimmy, the interview “will be about removing the veil of fear and embracing the peace. We would like them to understand that all of this "hype" of being fearful during this end of the world 2012 stuff is something not to fear. It isn't about putting a time date on things either...its about embracing THE TRUTH and becoming more conscious.”

Since being more conscious (Aware) of the Shift is what is all about, I’ll be discussing exactly what I think is happening with the Earth and humanity in detail.

Yet, as I put together notes, I realize that conspicuously missing from my planned discussion on what’s happening is any info on the economy. So, I thought I’d cover that right now.

A couple months ago, Billy said in channeling that we’d have a plateau before the big economic crash. Since then, the market has drifted up a bit. However, I suspect we’re hanging off the edge of that plateau right now, and as early as next week, (maybe by interview day) we could have the beginning of a major downdraft. But my point isn’t about timing; it’s about attitude and belief in the new paradigm.

Not that it matters much at this point, but a little known fact is that my Bachelors of Science degree was in Business. It’s all a little hazy now, but there are a couple economic principles I’d like to call your attention to at this point just so you can have more than obscure, ethereal “abundance” jargon and hopes to hang onto -- as we face fears of falling off the cliff into the economic abyss.

On one hand, you have the “Law of Scarcity.” This law states that there’s only so much of what everyone wants. This fact gives those things value and is the primary principle on which our current economic system is based. With this principal in mind, people hoard and scheme to get at least their share of these scarce resources.

Sometimes spiritual gurus try to override this principle by shifting our attention to higher principles, which we all want to believe. Still, we have to face reality everyday. So faith in the illusive and unseen disappears to the point where we have to give up our scarce resources for another inspirational talk.

Let’s forget all the spiritual abundance principles for a minute and bring economics down to earth. Even in our economic world, where they can print all the money they want, it’s still a scarce resource for most of us. The law of scarcity is real! But in all the fear about that fact, another just as real economic principle has been totally overlooked.

When you get into the nuts and bolts of any economy, you also find something called “the money multiplier effect.” When someone spends a dollar, all of a sudden there are two people who have use of that same dollar on the day of the sale. If everyone who gets the dollar spends it quickly, all of a sudden we have a lot of money in circulation. It’s a real life, down to earth, miracle!! One dollar can turn into many, and many people can become suddenly richer and happier!

Yet, in today’s world, if there were 100 people, two would be hording 98% of the wealth, another 10 or so would be sitting pretty, and about 10 more would be on the edge, afraid of falling into the bottom 78%, where the law of scarcity gets really scary. Anyway, no matter how much money is printed, it's all held tightly in a few hands because of either desires for personal power or fear – and for at least 90% of the people, it’s fear.

All the riots and revolutions in the world won’t fix this situation. You can wrench the money out of the hands of the few, but you just can’t get rid of greed and fear with out changing the consciousness of the people.

The good news is that consciousness is changing! It’s rising every day, and everyone is feeling it to some degree. Still, our human consciousness needs to see the old economic system crash before we’ll really believe that a new one has taken effect. So, that’s what’s happening now, and when it’s over, a new one will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes.

Of course, that’s not everyone’s plan. In this dualistic world, we have to have opposing views, so we can physcially see when our leap in consciousness overcomes our old, flawed perspective. So, of course, we have people who epotimize that flawed perspective fighting for it with all they’ve got.

The power people at the top are planning to recreate a new worldwide system, so they can hold tighter onto their control than they do already. However, everyone’s vibrations are rising. So, these guys are losing people out of their ranks everyday!

I heard a talk recently where David Icke described the world’s population as a ball being held down at the bottom of a pool. Sooner or later, that ball is going to come to the surface. When it does, and people let go of their fear, and such a tight grip on their $$, the money multiplier effect will start kicking in, and suddenly all the dreams of unlimited abundance will be realized.

It’s not really mystical at all. It’s an established proven economic principal. Still, with that ball at the bottom of the pool in mind, I guess we could call what's going to happen "ascension." Be at peace. Despite appearances, all is well!

Blessings and hugs,


Offering Insight through unique perspectives

author of"The BIG Fake-out, the illusion of limits""The Don Q Point of View," and"Looking, Seeing, & Knowing."
See our new site next week!

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