Monday, April 27, 2009

Living Consciously and Achieving Quality

Learning to live more consciously is really a matter of simply giving in to our natural inclination to evolve. Yesterday, I mentioned that the first step is to trust the power of our intents – regardless of how things seem to be going. Learning an appreciation for streamlined goals and imbuing our intent with love is the next step to building quality into a life.

We all tend to get in a hurry and sacrifice our higher inclinations in favor of achieving goals. Generally, everyone recognizes achievement of goals as our primary responsibility in leading a purposeful life. There are books and lecturers who teach people how to multi-task in hopes of overcoming the fear of not achieving enough.
It’s a well known fact that fear weakens us. However, not so well-known is the fact that multi-tasking has been proven to make us dumber. Giving less attention to each thing we do in an effort to get more done is an exercise in devolution. On the other hand, learning to give our total attention to a few simple things is the way we power up our intents, improve ourselves, and build quality into our otherwise scattered and conflicted lives.

A while back I sent in my water purifier to get serviced, and it never returned. The place I sent it had gone out of business. I couldn’t afford a new one, so I had to deal with the water myself.
I started blessing our drinking water, sending it all the love I could. This led to blessing the kids’ juice and food in the mornings. That blessing led to sending a regular little personal prayer for each of them into the food and out into the universe.

Each time I did this, I felt love come alive in me too. I’d wake up slowly and maybe a little grumpy just like everyone else, but this simple act of blessing the food and water gave my consciousness a jump-start in the morning. Since that started, I’ve recognized the need to bring that level of consciousness into every aspect of my life all day long. It’s a formidable goal, but step by step, I’m sure it’s also an achievable goal.

It helps me to back up and remember what we’re doing here. We ventured away from our original home, had adventures and learned a lot. However, now it’s time to reconnect with the nurturing presence and the lines of love that have always surrounded us.
It’s time to turn our goals over to this loving presence and learn to do everything a little more consciously We do this by trying to be more aware of the people around us, the nurturing nature of life around us, and our own intuitive connection to the people and nature around us.
Our family members, friends, ancestors, and spiritual guides all throw us life lines of love constantly. We’re often too distracted with the messy business of living to notice. Still these life preservers float in the ocean of chaos around us just waiting for us to grab a hold of them. Sure, we may still be all wet and floundering, but the trick to triggering the power of conscious living is to translate injury and pain into the perception of opportunity.
Many will resent that whole notion. We all want to be winners! Just to admit vulnerabilities, pain or injury is like admitting failure. Yet failure softens us up so Spirit can use us. Some will say there is no failure, and if you can believe that there’s no problem. However, for the rest of us who firmly believe we’ve occasionally screwed up, there’s comfort in knowing that fake-outs and failure are an important part of the way life helps us reconnect with our source.

In my book, Looking, Seeing & Knowing, I say that “Love and harmony is the nutritious growth goo in the Petri dish of life.”
After learning to send love into the food and water and lives of my loved ones, I experimented with sending it into all the people and aspects in my life. As you can imagine, sending love to the painful aspects and problem people in my life felt pretty strange at first. It felt wrong! Yet loving what’s good and hating what’s bad is not operating from our highest consciousness. It locks us into the attitude that’s made the world the place it is today. Building quality into our lives and world demands another approach -- regardless of how odd it feels at first.

Tomorrow’s Blog: Rising above Duality

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