Saturday, October 10, 2009

Karma & the nature of our "perfect world"

A reader of my book, Looking Seeing & Knowing, wrote in saying:

"On page 55, you say that the Earth is scratching at disharmonious parts, but when natural cataclysms happen, they seem to happen to all types of people, and often in parts of the world where people are rather innocent and living close to nature."

Good question! After writing her a reply, I decided that this is a point in which others may be interested.

First of all, I've noticed that when Rasha talks about future events, he often sites some spiritual reason for their occurance. Sometimes, he'll comment on how the affected area is out of balance or out of harmony, and why it needs to be impacted in some way before our transition to the new beginning after 2012 can take hold.

Basically, we've been told that the reason we have to have the destructive earth changes is because of the negativity that needs to be purged. That's not just because of the people currently living in an area. Negativity has been building up in some areas for over 5000 years.

People currently living in an area can mitigate that historic negativity. However, it's more likely that they were attracted to the area in order to participate in it for the purpose of righting some wrong they feel on a deep level. Also, just because people live "simply" doesn't mean that they live close to nature or in harmony with it. Look at all the poor farmers who keep slashing and burning the rain forests.

Anyway, something my higher self said to me once comes to mind whenever I try to pin down an absolute ruling principle to explain how things must always have a divine order despite the appearance of things. I know many popular spiritual gurus proclaim that nothing ever goes wrong, and I'd agree in that broad principle. However, I'll just say that some major misconceptions abound in the understanding of this principle (just as they do with just about everything else we often think we know.)

Taking responsibility for our lives while humbly admitting that we're human and, while part of God, we ARE NOT the totality of God, is a big step over the erroneous belief that we have direct control over everything that happens in our life. (Read my blog on Magic versus Mysticism on Sept 18, 2009 or my April 18th Rant on the Secret in the middle of this page for more on that.)

Anyway, once when I was whining to my higher self about my life down here, he said, "It's not supposed to be perfect."

If we wanted perfect, fair and comfortable, we'd stay in heaven. It balances out eventually - when you consider our multiple lives here. Still, taken one life at a time, things can seem so unfair and wrong that we feel compelled to come back to settle the score. Actually, that's the essence of the principle of karma.

In Magical Mechanisms, I tell how the Hopi say that during these times of earth changes the land under those living in harmony with the Earth will raise into plateaus above all the problems, and how Edgar Casey also once said that our consciousness affects the land around us. Still, does that mean that good people won't ever be caught up in catastrophes? Well, according to Hunt anyway, absolutely not.

We definitely affect our environment, but in order to make karma the perfect system it is for testing our commitment and discretion, we simply need interaction with other forces here on earth. It IS a perfect world! However, perfection in a 3-D world just isn't what you might think!

Blessings & Peace,


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