Years ago, the end of the Mayan Calendar was referred to as the “End of time.” Later, there was discussion on how the nature of time itself is changing. However, most intuitively knew that the issue of time was not the primary concern with the date 12/21/12. More recently, people have been discussing “the ascension,” and this is much more to the point. Still, few really know what that means.
In these confusing times of transition, it’s important to remember that our essential life is profoundly simple. It often doesn’t work the way we think, and we tend to complicate things. The only way to really see the coming “ascension” in perspective is from the other side. When I project my attention to after that great event and talk to simple and peaceful people about it, I’ve found that they generally refer to it simply as The Renewal.
After that turning point in human history, life is renewed in every way possible. People are living in harmony with the earth and in better harmony with themselves and others. Disease and duality are no longer a part of everyday life. People also manifest the body that is most useful for soul. In the case of most of the older adults, that means assuming the appearance and energy of a much younger person. In short everything and everyone is renewed.
Q What is the real significance of 12/21/12?
A You’ve probably heard the basics many times by now: It’s the beginning of the long promised “Aquarian Age,” where the earth appears to move into the constellation of Aquarius. It’s also the end of the Mayan Long count Calendar of 13 baktuns, which began 5000 years ago.
However, what almost no one knows is that when it came to pin-pointing the exact time of our worldly transition, which the ancient Mayans describe as a time of better communication and understanding, they predicted that this would occur during a seven year window (between 2007 and 2014). Now that we’re within that window, we can see that this time period is actually the time allotted to accomplish everything necessary, and to make things easiest on ourselves, we’re going to use the entire period.
The Earth needs to purify. The vibrations of the Earth and all of us need to rise, and transforming our physical and emotional anatomy a little slower is a little less painful. Also, everyone needs time to make the most important choice of their lifetime.
That choice is NOT between being a good or bad person as it’s so often represented. However, what that choice actually is and the consequences of that decision will be the subject of the next blog in this 2012 series. For now, I’ll just say that in our upcoming renewal, everyone (regardless of their goals) will be delighted with the end result. How that is possible will be the subject of the third message in this series.
The catastrophic damage to expect while all of our systems purify during this transitional period will be the subject of the fourth message in the series -- for those who really want know.
If you have any specific questions, please feel free to write me.
Until next time –
Many blessings,
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