Wednesday, November 18, 2009

2012 Part 5 - What WILL Happen as our Worlds Unwind

In part 4 of this series of 2012 messages, I reported what we've been told will NOT happen. I'm going to tell you what we believe WILL HAPPEN in the next few years, but first a little background:

For the last 11,500 years, the magnetic field of the Sun has been winding up around itself (due to the pull of the planets) to a breaking point in a way that has manifested in the last few years as a conspicuous absence of sun spots. Meanwhile, the winding up of the human experience, as exemplified as the attempt to make life appear linear and separate from all of God's other creatures, has been occurring for maybe ten times that long. (See message #2 in this series that describes steps taken to initiate this separation back on Lemuria.) Soon, our sun will throw off its magnetic field, disrupting the earth's magnetism in the process, and trigger the unwinding of all of our carefully constructed illusion -- But that's a good thing!

Since the beginning of human history, we have twisted the universal laws of unity, lowering our vibrations on many occasions, so we could see things the way we wanted to more easily. Yet, the more we've tried to iron out reality onto our 3D linear plane, the more we have actually twisted natural reality (God's reality)! That was our right, and it served a purpose. However, our vibrations are rising again now, and the reality we've all come to know is beginning to unwind.

We're beginning to see the unity of all things and our connection with others more clearly. Events are beginning to catalyze this process. The sun throwing off its magnetic field and causing a profound quiet (and panic by others) here on earth when all of our magnetic media is erased will be the next big step in this catalyzing process.

Q: What else will happen?

A: Only what needs to happen!

What we each need is different. Personally, I really believe the changes around 2012 will come to be known as the pivotal time when everyone created the life they wanted. We may be making different choices, but all of our vibrations are rising. Some misguided souls may have their hands tied right now (I explain this in the last blog about things that will not be allowed to happen.) However, everyone will be maturing quickly in the days ahead, and our guidance will be getting stronger and clearer all the time.

As for the specific dangers and miracles that lie ahead, the Hopi have said that the land under those who are in harmony with Mother Earth will "rise like plateaus." Edgar Casey has said that people will influence their immediate environment so that their surroundings will respond to their needs. Many seemingly miraculous things will be noticed in the coming years as we all quickly outgrow the belief that things happen for random reasons in a chaotic universe.

For those who want to know what exactly will happen, Rasha has confirmed in channeling that "Planet X" will fly by about the same time as we experience a 180 degree magnetic pole reversal and about a 20 degree crustal shift. Perhaps plante X will be the catalyst for the polar shift. Rasha's guess at the magnitude of this shift (which I reported in "Looking, Seeing & Knowing") coincides closely with Drunvalo's recent relaying of the living Mayan authorities' prediction of the same magnetic pole reversal and a 16 degree crustal shift.

Rasha has said that a black void of about 25-30 hours may accompany this shift (also tentatively confirming Drunvalo's Mayan prediction. He has also said that he sees the future earth changes playing out pretty much the way Gordon Michael Scallion describes. Rasha has also confirmed Scallion's future map of the world map as very accurate.

Still, everyone's experience is going to be a little different. We're all learning to accommodate our multidimensional selves and integrate our many dimensions into this physical world. So, our experiences are going to be increasingly multifaceted. We're also going to have more access to our higher nature and abilities. Trust them!

Incidentally, since magnetic media will be going down, the only records of this amazing time in history will be the physically written ones. So, this might be a great time to start a journal to chronicle what you observe and feel about the changing world around you. Then, maybe someday those who were fortunate enough to go through this transition might want to tell their children,grandchildren, and communities their stories -- thus anchoring the new world in authentic accounts of its roots.

Many Blessings and hugs,


For more information on exactly how our sun operates as an magnetic generator and how that will impact us in the near future see For more info on how this works exactly see Patrick Geryl's books, including "The Orion Prophecy, " and "How to survive 2012."

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