Today, we’re involved in shifting our awareness toward our reunification with others. However, that wasn’t always the goal. Back when the understanding of our interconnectedness was second nature, the people of Lemuria constructed a great wall across their continent to help them separate and explore their male and female tendencies. This physical wall helped them manifest their intention to put a barrier between their left and right hemispheres of their brains so they could experience working with those two distinctly separate approaches to life.
They also set up separate villages in these two sections of their country in an effort to further fragment, and therefore understand further specialized human orientations. From then on, people became very conscious of their own individual group separate from everyone else, and this trend just snowballed for the millennia after that.
Originally, their intent was to lower their vibrations in order to come into better harmony with the cooling earth and to continue to further explore their individuality. Gradually, the dualistic nature of this world forced their attention to move further and further off an awareness of their unity with each other as they focused more on their separate individuality.
The opportunity to initiate humanity into a lower or higher vibrational frequency comes around roughly every 13,000 years. The ancient Lemurians and the others on planet Earth used many of those cycles to deliberately step down their vibration and consciousness. Since their understanding of their unity was originally second nature, very few saw any danger in their chosen course.
This downward vibrational trend continued with only one initiation opportunity used to raise the vibrations of humanity (at the beginning of the Atlantean period). It could be coincidence, but this is also the period that brought on a monumental accident that compelled the global consciousness to sink to a much lower than it had ever been before. (I tell that story and give many details about ancient history and the coming ascension in my book, Looking, Seeing & Knowing.)
At any rate, consciousness remained very low until the next critical juncture about 5000 years ago. At that point, the ancient Mayans began a new “long count” calendar, and over in Babel, the people expressed the general consensus of humanity by building their famous tower – a monument to their egos, and a statement of their inclination to further explore their individuality, increasing their perception of separation from everyone else.
Flash forward to modern day. After almost dying (again) during WWII, the Earth began the process of opting out of 3D existence. Her future as a higher dimensional entity was finally cemented in during 1989. (Long story)
After that point, the Earth’s vibration began to rise precipitously, and since we’re tied to the earth, our vibrations have been matching hers. A consciousness of our unity with all things has become more prevalent, and the left and right hemispheres of our brain (that were separated so long ago) are beginning to communicate better with each other again. Still, consciousness does not in itself dictate our free-will choices.
Those of us where were born before 1989 contracted for a 3D life before ever coming here. However, in 1989 a new choice suddenly developed that wasn’t available before we planned this life. The Earth IS ascending, and we can go with her, OR we can stick with our original plan. The universe honors its contracts.
Some people simply can’t make that choice and will check out before the ascension. For the rest of us, our choice comes down to trusting the universe and flowing with nature (along with all of the animals) to a better place, or sticking with what we know and what we contracted to accomplish in this lifetime.
Up until the renewal of mankind, all of our vibrations will keep rising to stay in harmony with the earth. During this time, the reunification and interconnectedness of mankind will become more fully realized by all. Then, when the time comes, those who choose to remain in the 3D world (that they’re so heavily invested in) will be separated from those whose vibrations continue to rise.
As mysterious as it sounds, the splitting of mankind into two camps will be a simple matter of physics. The rising vibrations of the Mother Earth group will eventually make them invisible to the 3D people.
I’ll tell you how it’s possible to make the choice to live in a 3 D world when our Mother Earth is ascending out of the 3rd dimension in my next blog: The Renewal of 2012, part III ~ The Miracle of a Better life for Everyone.
Go ahead and guess, but the answer isn’t obvious. (ET’s aren’t going to move everyone who chooses the 3D option.) In fact, although the actual answer makes perfect sense, many will find it unbelievable – because of what they assume they know about the limits of human potential and our world. But then, that’s what makes this development a miracle – even more miraculous than the ascension itself!
If you have any specific questions, please feel free to write me (although, I’ll probably refer you to my book, which has most of the answers already.)
Get excited! Life is changing, and everyone’s going to be VERY happy with that change—Guaranteed!
Many blessings,
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