Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Predictions for 2010 and the 2012 Transition

I posted my yearly big picture update.

Summary: What we and the rest of the world are going through right now is not life - at least not life as usual. It's just transition, and this seven year period has distinct rules and conditions unlike any other time in history.

I also go out on a limb and make a few predictions for the rest of this year and touch on what to expect during the next few years.

I cover a lot of the same information and predictions about this year and the entire seven year transition in a (very unprofessional) five minute video I made right after the Haiti earthquake.

Right before the 8.8 quake in Chili, I stated in this video that we're probably going to have some more big quakes this year. Then, I just noticed today that NASA believes that the quake in Chile may have shifted the earth's axis.

That sets us up for more earth changes - more quakes, more tilting, more magnetic slippage... One thing leads to another, and the whole thing snowballs until the transition is over and our world is renewed.

In the meantime, here's a good video to end with:
Life, liberty and the pursuit of sanity

"Meditation is a waste of time. Go shopping!"
"Everything is fine."
"Hug the person next to you. Now stop, and go back to work and then go shopping."

It goes on like that, and I found it amazingly enlightening and uplifting.
I think I may have to go shopping for a megaphone.

Blessings and hugs always,

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