Sunday, September 6, 2009

Discovering Life's Purpose

Looking everywhere for the purpose of life is like pushing on a door that actually opens inward in a very natural way. You can push forever and never open a door that opens inwardly! It’s really sad that many very enlightened people push so hard and finally end up only with glowing generalities about their life's purpose, which often don’t have any particular personal applications.

No spiritual guru, besides the one that resides within, can tell us our soul’s intention. However, the good news is that since it’s between us and our higher selves, we aren’t just objective bystanders trying to discover something objective. In fact, when it comes to ourselves, there really is no “objective” reality!

After pondering Soul’s intention my entire life, what I came up with was that our desires and preferences are about as good an indication of what direction we’re supposed to go in as we can get. If you think about it, the desires we had when we planned our life contract are probably very similar to the ones we feel most strongly today. So, instead of spending so much effort searching for some hidden meaning, maybe we should quit fighting ourselves and just give into our hearts desire.

Still, what about our higher purpose? This is where people get hung up. “I know what I want to do, but I want to know what I’m supposed to do?” I felt that way my entire life until a prelife channeled experience revealed what my higher self wanted for me for this lifetime. It was simple. My higher purpose is to help anchor the rising energy of the earth and those on it, so we can all get through this transition (which lasts from about the time I was born until about 5-6 years from now) as easily as possible.

When I asked how I could do that, the answer was basically to stay happy. When I’m happy, my energy is up and I’m fulfilling my higher purpose. How do I keep my energy up? That's the interesting part -- by trusting my deepest inclinations and doing what I want to do. Doing waht i want to do fulfills my personal purposes and staying in a positive, energetic frame of mind fulfills my higher purpose.

This isn’t a coincidence! Life isn’t the battle between good and evil that most of us were taught. Conflict is real. Still, the solution of killing all the bad guys is obviously an illusion. Learning to rise above dulaity is simply a matter of reconcillation and cooperation.

We all really need to find harmony within ourselves NOW and do our part to help create it within our society every day from now on if we hope manifest the new world we all want. We all know that the ancient Mayans forecasted that this new beginning would start after 2012. However, what many don’t know is that they also described how it would take place.

It’s not just a matter of astronomical alignments. They described this current cycle as a time when communication within ourselves and between all of us would become much better. They knew how this new level of honesty and communication would build the foundation for our new world.

Yet, even though this new foundation is part of our forseeable, natural human cycle, foundations don’t just lay themselves. We all need to learn to listen to our hearts and trust our divine desires.

Once you really accept that you are the originator of your purpose, you stop looking outside yourself for that answer. I’m probably a little lazier now than I used to be, but I think that’s part of the plan too. As we run out of energy to search the world for purpose, we discover that our answers are (as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz put it) “…in our backyard,” and “There’s no place like home!”

Hunt Henion

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